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Detox Days

Internal Spring Cleaning

Spring marks a time of renewal, rejuvenation, and restoration. Buds burst from the soil. Birds build nests. Children rediscover the outdoors. And adults celebrate the season by cleaning and uncluttering their surroundings.

This year, along with tidying the garage, attic, and basement, consider freshening your internal system with a detox diet.

Restoring the Simple Pleasures of Food

The Art of Slowing Down

The succulent and distinct taste of a fresh Olympia oyster. The sweet, mellow, nutty flavor of dry jack cheese intensified by years of aging. The aromatic juiciness of a pixie tangerine. The richly flavored meat of the bourbon red turkey. Chances are you’ve never experienced any of the palatable pleasures mentioned here because these food sources are almost extinct, and along with them a slice of culture, and the appreciation for diverse and traditional foods.

But, then again, there may still be hope.

Self-Massage for Head Pain

Easing Away the Aches

Headaches account for more than 10 million visits to doctors each year, according to the National Headache Foundation. Neck aches frequently lead to headaches or combine with them. Tense muscles press against the blood vessels and nerves in the head and neck and create pain.

The Power of Pets

Facilitating Healing on All Levels

Whether it’s a wet lick on the face or a gentle brush to the leg, our pets are unabashedly open in displaying their love and affection for human owners. They could care less about our physical appearance or success in life. They are the ultimate love agents of nature — always loyal, compassionate and unconditional in their attachment.

Spa Parties

Indulge in Well-being

Instead of hosting a get-together where guests are checking their watches, throw one that will have them begging to stay. One surefire way to spoil them is with a spa party. Imagine inviting 10 to 15 of your closest friends to experience a luxurious day of pampering at a day spa, or even having them over to your home where you've hired your regular massage practitioner and skin care professional to cater to every bodywork whim.

Vegan Boys and Girls

News Note

Is it safe to raise your child as a vegan? According to Dr. Andrew Weil’s Self Healing newsletter, having him eat only a plant-based diet is extremely challenging. While a vegan child would potentially have low cholesterol, a slimmer chance of becoming obese, and less risk of cardiovascular disease, without proper supplementation, there is also a chance he could develop a vitamin B-12 deficiency, which could lead to abnormal growth and/or mental retardation.

The Travel Bug

News Note

According to a study published in The New England Journal of Medicine, those bitten by mosquitoes in countries where malaria exists may develop symptoms of the disease weeks, or even months, after their return. Malaria’s ability to lie dormant for such an extended period of time has researchers admonishing about the importance of wearing protective clothing and using mosquito repellent with the ingredient DEET when visiting areas of the world with high concentrations of the disease, such as Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia.

Breast Health and Exercise

News Note

The benefits of exercise for cutting the risks of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes are well-documented. But according to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, add breast health to the list. In a study of more than 74,000 postmenopausal women, those of normal weight who exercised 75 minutes to 10 hours a week cut their chances of developing breast cancer by 30 percent to 37 percent, respectively.

Massage for Low Back Pain

News Note

A study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that massage, as well as chiropractic work, offered equally beneficial results for low back pain as physical therapy and pain medication. By reviewing the results from three separate studies, researchers were also able to conclude that massage and spinal manipulation relieved pain better than acupuncture, other nondrug relaxation techniques, and a fake laser procedure.

Iron (Wo)man

News Note

Nearly one-fifth of North American women do not get their recommended daily allowance of iron, over time possibly resulting in iron deficiency anemia (IDA). Many women are prone to IDA because of their body’s inability to properly absorb iron from foods like red meat. Vegetarians and vegans are particularly susceptible without a proper understanding of what foods, other than meat, can provide high amounts of iron.
