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Rosen Method

A Listening Hand

Today, doctors are increasingly baffled by patients’ recurring aches, pains, and diseases. Often, unexplained issues are attributed to stress without exploring the source or helping people change how they experience their lives.

Hanna Somatic Education

Reawaken the Mind’s Ability to Control Movement, Flexibility, and Health

Originally published in Massage & Bodywork magazine, April/May 2004. Copyright 2003. Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals. All rights reserved.

Do you have clients who have tried everything to get rid of pain, stiff muscles, and decreased range of motion in their joints? Have they tried everything from stretching to strengthening, undergone treatment after treatment, and finally a doctor has recommended medication to free them from the pain they’ve felt for years?

Natural Scent Therapy

How Bodywork Blossoms with Aromatherapy

"I was born with music in me.”

So said Ray Charles, and I believe it of myself as well. My music is a melody of “fragrant” chords, the essence of plants. They are music for my nose, mind, and spirit.

How To Hug a Tree

News Note

This year, celebrate Earth Day, April 22, by practicing conservation tips from You Can Prevent Global Warming (And Save Money!), by Jeffrey Langholz and Kelly Turner (Andrews McMeel Publishing, 2003). As global warming becomes less abstract in concept and more of a reality with apparent consequences — drought, disease, floods, and lost ecosystems — doing a few small things that have little impact on your everyday life can contribute to significant, positive changes on the planet.

Hypnosis Helps IBS Sufferers

News Note

Hypnotherapy can relieve symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) for at least five years, according to findings published in the November issue of Gut. While several studies in recent years have proven hypnotherapy provides short-term relief from IBS, which affects nearly 12 percent of the U.S. population, the new study proves long-term benefits — great news for those who experience the diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, lethargy, and bloating associated with the condition.

Piercings May Lead to Dentures

News Note

Oral jewelry, including tongue and lip studs, can cause severe tooth and gum damage, according to recent studies published in the Journal of the American Dental Association and the Journal of Perinatology. While oral jewelry can crack and chip teeth, it can also weaken the bond between gums and teeth, creating pockets of bacteria. When left untreated, the bacteria can destroy the bone that anchors teeth. Unfortunately, early damage is difficult to detect, and when it is finally found it’s often too late to save the affected tooth.

Trans Fats Must Be Disclosed

News Note

By Jan. 1, 2006, all nutrition labels will have to include the content of trans fats, an ingredient resulting from the use of partially hydrogenated oil. Trans fats increase shelf life in processed foods, but also increase LDL (bad) cholesterol and lower HDL (good) cholesterol in humans, which can lead to heart disease, the No. 1 killer in America. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has refused to set a maximum recommended daily allowance, as it has done for saturated fat (25 grams), because most experts assert that any intake at all is dangerous.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Soma Brings Peace of Mind to Families

Drawing 1 — Before any Soma work. This drawing was created by an 8-year-old boy before experiencing any Soma work. He was told to create a picture of himself as he felt in his body at that moment. Through drawing analysis, this picture depicts a desperate-looking person, says Karen Bolesky, co-director of the Soma Institute of Neuromuscular Integration. The black lines indicate internal organs, their presence here often a sign of paranoia. Black is usually a color of grief or pain.
