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Researching Reiki

Moving Energy Forward in the Scientific Realm

With its simplicity and gentleness, reiki is capturing the attention of the traditional medical field as a practical, effective component of integrative care. Not all complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) approaches are without contraindications, and some not so easily adapted to administration during procedures such as in acute trauma situations or surgery. Reiki, a subtle energy therapy, can be applied with or without actual touch and only requires the presence of the practitioner.

Teeth Chic

Dental Day Spas

There are many reasons why I drive my son to a dentist nearly an hour away from our home. Not only do I think this pedodontist is the best in the area, but he provides a certain je ne sais quoi unavailable elsewhere.

Reducing Prostate Hypertrophy

News Note

A minute injection of Botox — the very same substance commonly used to abate frown lines and wrinkles — may ease benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) in older men. BPH, a noncancerous enlarged prostate, affects more than 50 percent of men over 60 and 80 percent of men by age 80. As the prostate increases, it impinges on and narrows the urethra, causing difficult and painful urination as well as increased frequency, urgency or a sense of incompleteness.

Forbidden Fruit?

News Note

Approximately seven out of 10 food items in your grocery store have been genetically modified (GM) by artificially integrating one species’ DNA with another. For example, in some cases, tomato DNA has been spliced with fish genes to increase freezing tolerance in the tomatoes, and other produce has been genetically altered to contain its own pesticide, such as corn engineered to kill off corn-eating bugs.

Chocolate Does a Heart Good

News Note

A box of chocolates for that special valentine may touch your loved one’s heart — literally. Chocolate is full of antioxidants called proanthocyanidins, the same compounds believed to be responsible for red wine’s heart-health properties. Proanthocyanidins have been shown to help reduce excess blood platelet aggregation, which can damage blood vessel walls and lead to stroke or heart attack.

Gene Control

News Note

Doctors have long known that proper nutrition is important for pregnant mothers but, until a recent study published in Molecular and Cellular Biology, they didn’t know exactly why. Turns out, a vitamin-rich diet for pregnant women can actually turn off disease-causing genes in their unborn children. Researches used a strain of mice with a genetic trigger that causes a yellow coat and makes them predisposed to obesity, diabetes and cancer.

Lighting a Fire, Dousing a Flame

News Note

Setting the mood with candles could mean setting yourself up for respiratory problems. According to Andrew Weil’s Self Healing newsletter, the burning of the fragrant oils in scented candles can create significant air pollution, potentially comparable to that produced by diesel fuel exhaust. The produced soot particles can lodge deep in the lungs, especially a concern for young children, the elderly and those with asthma or other already established respiratory problems. Weil recommends unscented beeswax candles with cotton wicks when adding ambiance.

Grief and Degrief, Part 1

Finding the Way Back

On the eleventh day of September, 2001, I awoke to a crisp northern New York state morning, the best of blue skies and an audible fall crunch in the air. I am New York City-born, so I remember those fall days well. I was in Rochester, N.Y., to present my work on the “somatic aspects” of grief. It was 9:01 a.m. as I stood in front of my class.

Fitness Tips

10 Tricks for Sticking to It

Now you’re exercising again, and it feels great. Of course, it felt great last year, too, when you went to the gym every morning for almost the entire winter. If it feels so great, why do you keep quitting? You may be able to make your physical activity more consistent by using some of these tricks.

1. Look at exercise differently.
