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Relax the Thai Way

Thai Massage Basics

Recent studies show consumers visit massage therapists 114 million times each year, spending $4 billion to $6 billion annually, thereby making massage one of the fastest-growing segments of holistic healthcare in America today. It can be found everywhere from day spas and chiropractic offices, to health clubs and employee break rooms. The massage explosion can be attributed partly to the growing population of tired and aging baby boomers, and partly to an increased awareness of the effects of stress and how massage can help.

Etiquette for the Day Spa Guest

What to Expect

You’ve just received a gift certificate for a “day at the spa.” You imagine the promise of luxurious treatments like hot stone massage, maybe even a facial, but what else should you expect? And what exactly is a day spa anyway?

Fortunately, there is no great mystery about what goes on behind those spa doors, it’s just more of what you’re already familiar with — complementary approaches to finding and maintaining good health.

How to Avoid Lightning Strikes

Stay Safe During Thunderstorms

If you find yourself boating, swimming, fishing, bicycling, golfing, hiking, camping, or otherwise outside when a summer thunderstorm rolls through, know how to protect yourself from lightning — a phenomenon that kills an average of 77 people and injures hundreds more nationwide every year. While lightning-related injuries are most likely to occur in Florida, Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina, lightning-related fatalities are most common in Florida, Michigan, New York, Texas and Tennessee. Strikes are most common during the summer months between 2-6 p.m.

Why Am I Sore?

Understanding Massage as the Body’s Workout

You’ve just had a wonderful massage, and you go home feeling both relaxed and rejuvenated. But the next morning, you wake up with twinges of muscle soreness, maybe some fatigue, and you just don’t feel yourself. What happened? Chances are it’s the massage, and it’s perfectly OK.

Going Home

Zero Balancing Takes the Body Back

What would happen if our bodies got to “start over” again? What if our physical self got “do-overs?” Is it a pipe dream, or can we really take our bodies backward and undo the damage that’s been done over time?

In the world of Zero Balancing, it’s believed the body can be brought back to the starting gate. In fact, being “perfectly balanced” and finding the body’s original state of harmony is how some describe their experience with Zero Balancing, including the client who helped name the modality after her first session.

The Energy of Money

A Healer’s Guide

Our relationship with money can reveal powerful energetic insights into ourselves. Quite simply, our money patterns are typically consistent with other aspects of our lives. Adjectives that describe our energy, such as tight, controlling, adventurous, systematic or flamboyant, also pinpoint our money energy. Understanding the energy of money can enhance the healing process, show us how to strengthen our personal finances.

Pilates Q&A

An Introduction

• Why should I do Pilates?

This method of exercise offers a no-stress approach to better posture and stronger, leaner muscles. It’s the perfect complement to aerobic exercise or it can be used to help you get back on your feet after an injury.

• What kind of benefits can I expect?

The no-impact, toning technique is designed to improve posture and body awareness and strengthen and lengthen muscle without adding bulk. An emphasis on breathing relieves stress and leaves you feeling refreshed, not exhausted.

Touching the Unborn

How Energy Therapy Can Be Applied In Utero

Most mothers will tell you that as a child begins to develop within the womb, he feels the effects of her life decisions. Live a stressful life, and the unborn child is sure to fight back. Indulge in food or drink, and that baby will play havoc with your body throughout the night. Be filled with anger, and feel that baby do belly flops in protest. And just as the unborn can be affected by their mothers’ negative states, they also can be affected by positive energies.

Polarity Therapy

Interfacing Subtle Energy with Massage

“The problem of healing involves the harmonious relationship
of man’s inner energies to those of the without.”
— Randolph Stone, osteopath, naturopath and chiropractor

Reiki in Hospice Care

Miranda's Story

Miranda was a dying woman who served as a challenge and inspiration for me in the last months of her life. My experiences with her marked the true beginning of my realization of the importance of energy work in hospice-based massage. Since Miranda’s death, I have come to fully accept and integrate energy work into my practice and I now routinely use it alongside other manual modalities. Working with her was a privilege for me.
