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Energy Work for Children

From Colic To Calm

You already know about the power of massage and may even have exposed your children to its gentle ways. Maybe you’ve been educated in infant massage yourself so as to offer touch to your child when it can be most effective — after baths, before bedtime, or when cradling your colicky baby in the middle of the night. Or maybe you take your pre-teen to the spa with you for a day of rejuvenating bodywork. So you know massage has incredible soothing power, but have you ever considered energy medicine for your child?

A Little Food Safety Goes a Long Way

News Note

Food borne illnesses account for as many as 33 cases of food poisoning each year with most of these occurring at home. The symptoms — fever, chills, dizziness, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach cramps — are caused by bacterial contamination during food preparation or in days-old cuisine. Whether it’s turkey preparation or sandwiches derived from leftovers, following a few food safety tips can make all the difference:

·Don’t allow perishables to sit longer than two hours. If the temperature is above 90ºF, only allow one hour.

Meditate, Lose Weight

News Note

Mindfulness meditation can help control eating binges and may help reduce obesity, according to recent studies conducted by researchers at Indiana State University (ISU). In a pilot study five years ago, Jean Kristeller, professor of psychology and director of ISU’s Center for the Study of Health, Religion, and Spirituality, observed 18 women who regularly overate. After incorporating meditation techniques, weekly binges were reduced from four to one-and-a-half. These findings were corroborated recently in another Kristeller study of 100 obese men and women.

Massage For My Pet?

Ask a Therapist

Q: I enjoy my massages so much. Is it possible to get massages for my pets?

A: Of course, says Heather Harrington-Danielson. She teaches animal massage at the Boulder College of Massage Therapy in Colorado. But, she points out, there are some initial considerations: “First of all, does your pet have any illnesses, medications or injuries we need to know about? Has the massage therapy been cleared through your veterinarian?”

Avoiding Skin Care Gimmicks

Estheticians Can Tell You How

After a facial, the skin appears fresh and clean. It has been cleared of clogged pores and dead skin cells, skin pigmentations have been buffed and diminished, and dehydrated skin has been rehydrated.

But facials and skin-rejuvenating treatments aren’t the only services your skin care specialist can offer. She also can guide you through the maze of “beauty” gimmicks and trends in an attempt to create manageable skin care goals you can easily continue at home.

Chair Massage

Excursion into Pleasure

You already know the pleasures and benefits of massage. Wouldn’t it be nice to experience this therapeutic touch more often to combat the rigors of daily stress? Quick (an average session lasts 15 to 30 minutes), inexpensive (usually costing $1 a minute), and found in a variety of locations, chair massage can do just that, and can easily turn a stressful morning into a calm, productive day.
