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Quality Communication

The Masters and Disasters of Marriage

Since 1973, John Gottman, Ph.D., has studied what he calls the “masters and disasters” of marriage. Through working with thousands of couples, Gottman has learned what makes marriages fail, what makes them succeed, and what can make them a source of great meaning. By examining partners’ heart rates, facial expressions, and how they talk about their relationship to each other and to other people, he is able to predict which couples will make it and which will not.

Below are some of Gottman’s top suggestions for how to keep your relationship strong.

Music = Heart Health

News Note

Listening to music may enhance heart health, according to a recent study conducted at Italy’s University of Pavia. Researchers followed the heart rates, breathing, and blood pressures of 24 participants as they listened to random selections of music for 20 minutes while lying at rest. Selections varied from Indian music and classical to techno and rap. Interestingly enough, personal taste didn’t seem to affect the results. Rather, tempo became the prime determinant in affecting measurements.

Massage in the Media

News Notes

Massage in the Media

Two recent issues of Dr. Andrew Weil’s Self Healing favorably mention massage therapy and bodywork. The first addresses complementary approaches for weight loss. While Weil et al. emphasize that eating less and exercising more are still the primary factors in shedding pounds and keeping them off, there are several integrative therapies that can help reduce stress levels and control emotional healing. Weil addresses acupuncture, cognitive-behavioral therapy, guided imagery, hypnotherapy, mindfulness meditation, yoga, and, of course, bodywork.

Donate Those Old Sheets

News Notes

Donate Those Old Sheets

Have your sheets become dingy and faded through so many washings and oil stains? Instead of throwing them away, contact your local Humane Society. Many animal shelters use sheets and towels as bedding in cages and also during surgeries and rescues. Be sure to get a receipt — donate, and get a deduction on your taxes.

Thai Healing Alliance is Born

News Notes

Thai Healing Alliance is Born

Traditional Thai massage is quite new in the West, 15 to 20 years old at best. Yet in the past few years, it has become increasingly popular. It has been showcased on magazine covers and in newspaper articles and is now considered one of the fastest growing healing modalities in the United States. But there is no bona fide certification process for Thai massage that is legally acknowledged and administered anywhere outside of Thailand.

Seated Massage

A Time to Sit Up Straight and Relax

Wow!” Linda said as she stood up from the chair and slowly walked across the dining room floor. “My headache is gone. Thank you!”
Had I given a complicated headache treatment or finished a full-body massage session for Linda? No. I had just given her a five-minute, impromptu seated massage while she sat on a kitchen chair. She is the caregiver for one of my elder, homebound massage clients and had been complaining of a headache, so I offered to give her a quick seated massage session.

The Missing Piece

Bodywork for Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse

It has only been within the past few decades that victims of childhood sexual abuse have gained recognition, validation, and appropriate treatment, but the process has been somewhat of a roller-coaster ride. From the mid-1970s into the 1980s, there was a rapid increase of identification of abuse victims, along with development of support programs and agencies to handle reports and treatment. With the rise of reported cases, some considered it an epidemic, although more likely it had always been epidemic but ignored.
