Article Archive

Color Your Life

The Art Of Going In Circles

As busy as our lives and the lives of our clients are, we might be tempted to groan in exasperation that we are getting nowhere—we’re just going in circles. But circles can have a calming effect if we combine them with the childhood pastime of coloring.

Check out grown-up coloring books devoted to mandalas—circles with often-intricate designs that are nearly universal to the world’s cultures and religions. (Think stained-glass church windows, Aztec calendars, Native American dreamcatchers, and the Buddhist wheel of life.)

Embrace the Moment

Finding Peace in the Here and Now

The American Dream. This phrase draws people to our country by the thousands. The idea that greatness can be achieved, even when starting with nothing, is the touchstone of our Western culture. We live in a society where great value is placed on the external, somewhat elusive notion of “success.”


Getting rear-ended in traffic. Face-planting at the bottom of a ski slope. Tumbling over the handlebars on your bike. Whiplash comes in many forms and can become a long-term problem if not treated correctly. Fortunately, massage and bodywork can address the ache and discomfort that come with whiplash and prevent chronic pain down the road.

Shea Butter

From Tropical to Topical

Shea butter comes from the nut of the shea tree (pronounced shay) found in the tropics of Africa, primarily West Africa. It offers many benefits as a topical moisturizer for skin and hair, and improves other skin problems and appearance.

As well as providing relief from minor dermatological conditions like eczema, lesser burns, and acne, shea butter can be used as a natural sunscreen and for stretch-mark prevention during pregnancy. Other benefits include the evening out of skin tone, reducing blemishes, and restoring skin elasticity.

Just Say No

Beating Your Sugar Habit

Are you often overcome with an urge to splurge on candy, cookies, and cake — and do you then hate yourself for caving to your cravings?

Take heart. You can quit (or at least cut back on) both sweets and processed, “much-like-sugar” carbs such as white bread, white rice, and pasta.

Back in 1998, I did just that. On doctor’s orders, I totally kicked my sugar habit and licked a whopping 44 symptoms (honest!), including nagging headaches, unexpected mood swings, debilitating “brain fog,” and severe PMS.

Clearing the Clutter

Inside and Out

What’s cluttering your life? Is it the stuff in the corner of the bedroom or the stuff in the corner of your mind? What are you tolerating that keeps you from expressing your true self? Authors Bruce and Lou Stewart say that clutter — both in our environment and our mind — is stagnating, blocking the free-flow of energy, or chi, in our homes and lives. Whether we’re detouring around a box in the living room or repeating a negative pattern in our head, it’s time to clear the path.
