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The Power of Ritual

Ceremonial Elements can Enhance the Spa Experience

In today’s fast-paced world, your clients come to you not only to beautify their skin, but also to slow down and take a few moments for themselves. During treatments, you can honor your clients’ goals — both spiritual and physical — by thoroughly focusing on them through ritual.

Holding Headaches at Bay

Bodywork Eases Chronic Migraines and Tension Headaches

“Do you get headaches?” I asked Cindy. She had come to see me for massage to address her neck and shoulder pain but hadn’t mentioned headaches.

“Well, yes,” she said. “I’ve always had headaches and, now that you mention it, they seem to be worse when my neck hurts.” Cindy went on to say she suffered from them as often as 2–3 times a week and typically treated them with ibuprofen.


Chocolate Treats the Body and Soul

Chocolate and skin care aren’t words often used together in the same sentence unless there’s a warning involved, as in: For a healthy complexion, avoid chocolate. But perhaps that premise should be questioned.

Green Tea

Skin Care in a Cup

A longtime Chinese elixir, green tea has been used historically to treat head- aches, body aches, poor digestion, and improve life expectancy. And it’s also good for skin.

Gaining Perspective

Humor Opens Windows to Self-Discovery

We could all use more humor in our lives. Having a sense of humor doesn’t mean laughing and being cheerful all the time. It means seeing the illusory nature of things — and seeing how, in this illusory life, we are always bumping into the very things we meticulously try to avoid.

Why Americans Seek Massage

And What Keeps Them from Getting More

Appreciation for the massage therapy experience has made new inroads with American consumers—one in six American adults sought out massage therapy in 2006—and more men and Midwesterners than ever are getting massaged. Especially encouraging for the future of massage is 62 percent of people aged 21 to 34 have very favorable to somewhat favorable views of massage therapists, with another 34 percent neutral in their views. These are key findings of a January Harstad Strategic Research survey sponsored by Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (ABMP).

Slowing Down

Patience a Trait That Pays Off

There are two things that are most likely to make people struggle with patience. The first is our genetic makeup. Some of us come from a gene pool that has a lot of calm, cool, and collected in it. Patience comes more naturally. Others of us come from a gene pool that has a lot of wham, bam, slam it together, along with a few too many fits of rage. If you come from this latter pool (as I do), patience is more difficult to acquire, but still very much possible. Regardless of personality type, the greatest challenge we all face is the microwave society in which we live.

Essential Oil Safety

Ask the Expert

Q: How important is it to dilute essential oils when using them in your practice?

A: The importance of essential oil dilution is directly linked to essential oil safety. Essential oils are highly concentrated, chemically complex mixtures that contain hundreds of different constituents. They are at once aromatically pleasing, therapeutic, and potentially dangerous if not properly used.

Heaven Scent

Incense Evokes A Deeper Connection

Just as our gathering in a circle around a fire has been imprinted on our brains from ancient times, the fragrances of burning bark, wood, flowers, and herbs—perhaps first enjoyed in front of that same fire—have left a deep impression on our collective psyche.

Tantalizing our sense of smell with incense can open a gateway to powerful emotional responses. The secret lies within our limbic brains, the nerve clearinghouse that processes and associates aromas and deep emotions.
