Article Archive

Yin and Yang of Seated Massage

Tui Na in the Chair

It’s not your typical chair massage. The name given to one of the techniques of tui na work — double dragon walking — is symbolic of the roots of this ancient Chinese folk medicine that aims to balance the energy system of qi (chi) and treat the musculoskeletal system all at the same time. And in China, says Xiping Zhou, a doctor of oriental medicine and licensed acupuncturist, it’s usually performed with the client on a simple office chair.

Fibromyalgia…Fact or Fiction

Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is a widespread musculoskeletal pain and fatigue disorder for which the cause is still unknown. Ongoing investigations continue as medical and manual therapy offices are flooded with increasing numbers of reported fibromyalgia cases but, like the oft-quoted analogy of the blind man and the elephant, we currently know more about the components of FMS than we know about the “beast” as a whole.

Aromatic Solutions

Herbs & Aromatherapy

Pain is an unpleasant reality for many people. From the healthiest to the unhealthiest, we all find ourselves in pain’s grip at one time or another. Whether your pain is self-inflicted from exuberant weekend warrior syndrome, brought on by the stresses of today’s world, or a symptom of serious disease or physical states, there are several ways to find relief from this unpleasant, often unbearable, fact of life.

Releasing Energy Through Self-Expression

Fingertips for the Client

This practice is simple. Whatever you have always wanted to do to express yourself, do it, and do it often. Sing, dance, play, draw, talk to people, embrace people, go for a walk and sit under a tree, climb a mountain, tell a story, knit a sweater, paint a picture, laugh, cry, write a poem (or an article or a novel) take a trip, buy a new dress, paint your living room, make love in a different way at a different time, go on a meditation retreat, study astrology (or computers or high finance) build a house, make a sculpture, work with wood, learn a language, or create a ritual.

The Greening of Massage

Massage is widely considered a form of natural healing. Images of leaves and waterfalls are often used to convey our services and merchandise. It’s also fairly normal for practitioners to utilize products that boast pure and natural ingredients and packaging. As caring creatures of the planet, nature appeals to us at an instinctual level.

Making Sense of Back Pain, I

Part 1

One of the main objectives of this article (and Part 2 in the August/September 2006 issue) is to offer therapists ways of predicting the probable outcome of a client’s back problems. Is this person’s backache likely to get better rapidly? Slowly? Or is it unlikely to improve as a result of manual/massage/exercise therapy?

Pilates Plus

News Notes

Pilates Plus

A recent study by the American Council on Exercise evaluated the cardiovascular impact of Pilates. Noteworthy for its stretching, strengthening, and muscle-building attributes, Pilates appears to fall short in calorie-burning and aerobic benefits.
