Article Archive

The Essential Nutrient

Nutrition: Achieve Glowing Skin with Omega-3s

Using a good sunscreen, drinking lots of water, and getting enough sleep goes a long way towards promoting healthy skin, but for a complexion that really glows, a healthy dose of essential fatty acids (EFAs) is, well, essential. These good fats are key players in the conversion of food to energy, the transfer of oxygen to cells, and the production of hormone-like prostaglandins, which guard against conditions such as inflammation, cancer, and heart disease. But their primary function is maintaining the liquid barrier surrounding all the cells of the body, including those of the skin.

The State of Esthetics

A Look At Where the Skin Care Industry Stands

When Carole Walderman opened the first licensed school for estheticians in the United States, many people thought she was training anesthetists. True that in the beginning, the profession was quite sedate: Both pupils and clients were in short supply, translated European literature served as the initial curriculum, and graduates began their businesses with three basic products — cleanser, toner, and moisturizer.

How things have changed.

The Visible Effects of Stress

Get a Grip on Anxiety and Ease a Troubled Face — and Mind

Eons ago, back when evading predators and foraging for food were humankind’s main activities, stress was essential to survival. The body’s fight-or-flight response to stress in the face of danger set off a chain reaction of physiological changes, priming the body for action and increasing the likelihood of escaping physical harm.

Reclaiming Your Power

Lifestyle: How to live the life you imagined

In her new book, Divine Demons: Reclaiming the Power of Your Own Destiny, Carla J. Berg challenges you, the reader, to conjure up issues that have kept you locked in the same old life-long patterns, look them in the eye, and let them go. The result? Manifesting the life you came to live. In this excerpt, Berg explores the law of similars — like begets like — and how this concept can turn your world around.

Thirsty Skin

Keys to Avoid Winter Dehydration

We’re typically concerned about dehydration during summer’s simmering months. But winter has a unique set of characteristics that make us particularly susceptible to dry skin. Because of the cooler temperatures, we’re less apt to feel thirsty and drink a proper amount of water, even if our skin is in dire need. We’re also less likely to notice the effects of the sun on a cool day, which can lead to overexposure of UV rays. And the arid heat of furnaces warming the indoors may also take its toll and dry out already taxed skin.

Think Zinc

Nutrition: A Trace Mineral with a Substantial Role

Thanks to its cell-generating, skin-soothing properties, zinc supplementation stabilizes acne, eczema, rosacea, and broken capillaries and promotes wound healing, especially following burns or surgical incisions. In addition, getting the proper amount of this essential trace mineral boosts immunity and strengthens hair and nails.

Insight into Eye Care

Treatments for the delicate eye area

Eyes may be the mirrors to the soul, but they are also the mirrors of the body, reflecting stress levels, overall health, lifestyle, and, of course, age. When life is good — you’re eating well and getting sufficient rest, plenty of exercise — your eyes sparkle. But when the going gets tough, eyes show it, and it’s not pretty — puffiness and dark circles appear, and wrinkles seem to deepen.

Ayurvedic Advice

Lifestyle: How to maximize digestion for optimal health

Digestive disorders plague an estimated 100 million Americans and can lead to compromised health throughout the body, often manifesting in skin issues. In her new book, Inner Beauty (Chronicle Books, 2005), Reenita Malhotra Hora explores the ancient medical system of Ayurveda and its applications for achieving balance inside and out. Following is an excerpt.

Complexion Killers

Nutrition: Are food allergies ruining your skin?

Your complexion can reveal a lot more about your health than simply whether you are dehydrated or have spent too much time in the sun. In fact, how your skin looks can be a strong indication of whether you’re making the best food choices for your body. That’s because food allergies and intolerances can compromise the digestive and immune systems, giving rise to acne, eczema, rosacea, and other bothersome skin conditions.

The Alive Workplace

Restoring Vitality, Love, and Trust to the Organizational Environment

“The question in an imperfect competitive reality is: How do we move forward together? How can enterprise touch and improve life?”

— Kevin Roberts, CEO Worldwide, Saatchi & Saatchi

The belief in compassion and human potential that is the basis of the healing arts is a new direction for an evolving business environment. Today’s rallying cry, at such places as Toyota and Proctor & Gamble, is for love, community, sustainability, and service. They have learned the lesson that without ethical, social, and environmental engagement, economic returns run dry.
