Linda Knittel

Making Friends with Menopause

Addressing Your Skin in Transition

Looking good for your age is desirable no matter what your chronology, but maintaining a youthful appearance after you’ve hit menopause is enviable. And the 40 million or so potential clients out there who are going through life’s changes don’t need face-lifts and botox shots to do it. In fact, maintaining the glow may be as simple as cultivating some healthy habits and receiving facial treatments that address menopause-related changes.

Medicinal Makeup

Micro-pulverized Minerals Offer Healthy Skin Options

When applied properly, makeup should enhance a woman’s appearance without making her look — well, made up. It can hide imperfections, add color, accent features, and boost self-esteem, and, if it is mineral-based makeup, it can do all this while actually improving and protecting the skin. That’s because, unlike many conventional cosmetics, mineral makeup does not contain the preservatives, fillers, and synthetic chemicals that can clog pores, cause blemishes, and trigger allergic reactions.

Slather on the Sun

Safe and Effective Sunless Tanners

Thanks to the perpetual bronze glow of celebrities like Paris Hilton, the desire for a year-round tan is as popular as ever. Sure a little sun exposure is healthy, and frankly it’s necessary for producing bone-building vitamin D. But sun tanning is simply not an option if your clients want to ward off premature aging and skin cancer. That’s where tanning products come in. Sunless tanners can provide your clients with that sun-kissed look any time of year.

Complexion Killers

Nutrition: Are food allergies ruining your skin?

Your complexion can reveal a lot more about your health than simply whether you are dehydrated or have spent too much time in the sun. In fact, how your skin looks can be a strong indication of whether you’re making the best food choices for your body. That’s because food allergies and intolerances can compromise the digestive and immune systems, giving rise to acne, eczema, rosacea, and other bothersome skin conditions.

The Essential Nutrient

Nutrition: Achieve Glowing Skin with Omega-3s

Using a good sunscreen, drinking lots of water, and getting enough sleep goes a long way towards promoting healthy skin, but for a complexion that really glows, a healthy dose of essential fatty acids (EFAs) is, well, essential. These good fats are key players in the conversion of food to energy, the transfer of oxygen to cells, and the production of hormone-like prostaglandins, which guard against conditions such as inflammation, cancer, and heart disease. But their primary function is maintaining the liquid barrier surrounding all the cells of the body, including those of the skin.