
Founded by Emilie Conrad, Continuum is a visionary inquiry into our capacity to innovate and participate with the essential, generative, and biological movement processes of life. Much of Continuum explores embryogenesis, allowing each one of us to enter into the great mystery of creation as an existential and spiritual unfolding.

Continuum explores the idea that what we call a body or a brain is actually a creative, nonlinear, unfolding event. Movement is something we are, as well as something we do. All aspects of our functioning—thinking, feeling, languaging, and the very shaping of society—are explored as movement. Continuum provides a nonlinear biological basis for movement education, rather than the mechanistic models prevalent in society, and uses the primary perceptions of sensation, breath, sound, and movement to guide us in both subtle and dynamic explorations.

(Description reprinted with permission, Continuum Movement 2001 Brochure.)