Adriana Morales

Adriana Morales

Adriana Morales



Hello! My name is Adriana Morales. I studied at Sterling Health Center in Dallas, TX, where I learned the therapeutic value of massage and the connection between emotional stress and the physical body. I have intuitively closed the gap between a therapeutic and a relaxation session...YES! it's possible to get both at the same session.

Massage is my passion, through it I found my own healing journey and I am excited I get to share it with you. My purpose is to guide your body out of the ever distracting pain into a healthy, balanced version of you!

I offer a different experience, one full of possibilities, wellbeing, joy, focus.

Contact me to schedule your massage experience.


Massage Therapy Deep Tissue Massage Neuro-Muscular Therapy Pre-Natal/Pregnancy Massage Myofascial Release Bodywork Swedish Massage Craniosacral Therapy Therapeutic Massage

Adriana Morales

4848 Lemmon Ave Ste 155
Dallas, TX 75219