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Straight Talk

Information Your Massage Therapist Needs To Know

As massage has entered the mainstream of healthcare options, more and more people consider this intervention as part of an overall health plan. Massage has gone from being an occasional treat to being part of how we take care of ourselves. This may be especially true of people who live with chronic conditions that decrease quality of life: people with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis, depression, anxiety disorders, eating disorders … the list of those with medical conditions who find that massage is a valuable part of their healthcare is expanding daily.

The Bodywork Tree

Exploring The Bounty Of Bodywork

As a consumer of massage, you already know there are wonderful benefits to receiving therapeutic touch. And you’ve likely tried one or two variations of massage or bodywork as you’ve meandered along this path of complementary healthcare. But did you know there are at least 250 kinds of therapies that are part of this growing massage and bodywork tradition? From acupressure to Zero Balancing, there are a multitude of lush, leaf-filled branches on this bodywork tree, making it a perfect spot under which to throw a blanket and sit a while.

Breathe Into Your Massage

As You Tune Into Your Breath, Notice Your Body

Elaine was having trouble relaxing. And while I don’t command my clients to relax, I found her constant talking distracting. As the session continued, her body grew more tense, not because she was in pain, but because she was talking about all of the stressors in her life. I felt the frustration rising in my own awareness, unable to help her settle her body and create the changes she so badly needed to feel comfortable. Then I remembered a basic technique I had shared with many others during my years of practice.

Chase Away The PMS Blues

With Aromatherapy

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) encompasses up to 150 emotional and physical symptoms and affects almost 90 percent of women. Some of the most common complaints during PMS are headache, backache, sore breasts, bloating, acne, fatigue, mood swings, irritability, and anxiety. Whatever your PMS complaints may be, essential oils like rose (Rosa damascena), geranium (Pelargonium graveolens), lavender (Lavendula officinalis), clary sage (Salvia sclarea), and bergamot (Citrus bergamia) can offer safe, gentle, and effective help.

Healthy Steps

The Foot Is Our Body's Main Source Of Support

Why is it that when our feet hurt our whole body hurts? Think about it. The foot is our body’s main source of support. With 26 bones, 11 muscles, and 7,000 nerve endings, it deserves the same wellness considerations as the rest of our body, and yet it is an area that is often neglected until we start to experience problems—and nearly half of the U.S. population will at some point in their lives. Following are some things you can do that can make a difference between tired, aching feet and happy, feel-good feet.

Tai Chi’s

Ancient Wisdom

The Chinese discipline known as tai chi is easy for people of all ages to begin because there are no special fitness requirements. This gentle exercise improves strength, balance, hand-eye coordination, and relaxation and gives a surprisingly effective lower body workout.

Traveling Soon?

Practice Skin Care TLC

Air travel can still be a brutish experience. And it’s not just the outside of your luggage that can get beat up. An extended flight in an airplane’s low-humidity, pressurized interior, followed by exposure to a climate that may be vastly different from what you’re used to, can wreak havoc on the outside of your body as well.

The moral: traveling is tough on skin, so invest in something gentle.

Yoga and Cycling

Bending In New Directions

Yoga and cycling are two very different activities that have found common ground in a program developed specifically to bring the benefits of yoga to cyclists and their unique needs. Some of the most common complaints of cyclists—shoulder and back pain, neck strain, and joint aches—are most readily addressed by the practice of yoga. In fact, yoga can not only relieve such complaints, but can actually enhance performance for some cyclists by working under used muscle groups, increasing inner and outer focus, and cultivating a sense of calmness and overall balance.
