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Spa Mama


In preparation for the many changes ahead of her, the one thing a pregnant woman needs most — even more than pickles and ice cream — is nurturing, especially in the form of bodywork.

Massage therapists have long catered to the pregnant client, helping her relax, renew, and even physically prepare for the strenuous birth date. Now spas are picking up the pregnancy pace as this unique client is walking through their doors seeking respite more than ever before.

Making the Most of Your Massage

How To Achieve Lasting Effects

It may seem like all you have to do to get the most out of a massage is show up, relax, and let the massage therapist do the rest. In some ways, that’s true. But there are also some things you can do that will make your experience even more enjoyable, all while building a solid working relationship with your massage therapist. Following are some “insider tips” to help you get the most out of your sessions.

Speak up about your concerns and questions.

Staying Well While On the Road

Tips for Eating Healthy While Traveling

Packing your bags for a fun family trip, busy business excursion, or a glorious getaway doesn't have to spell disaster for your waistline. You can still relax in revelry knowing you can enjoy yourself without packing on the pounds--as long as you bring along a "can do" attitude.

The answer is as simple as knowing there are small changes you can make in your meal choices that can save you calories and pack your body full of nutrients. The single most important step in eating well when traveling is to take control of your diet.

Take Charge of Your Life

Harnessing the Power of Personal Accountability

“If you want to build a ship, don’t gather your people and ask them to provide wood, prepare tools, assign tasks … Just call them together and raise in their minds a longing for the endless sea.”

The Little Prince

--by Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Water Workouts

For Body and Mind

When Cynthia Bialek could no longer practice yoga on land, she decided to try it in water. After several years of suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia, this 38-year-old woman was determined to move beyond the limitations of her symptoms and regain her active lifestyle. Water helped her do just that. Bialek found that the supportive buoyancy and slight pressure of the water enabled her to once again enter yoga poses that brought strength and stability to her body.

Spa Specialties

Fresh Philosophies Empower Healthy Lifestyles

With consumers turning to complementary therapies, gentler forms of exercise, and more mindful eating practices, it’s no surprise that today’s top spas are focusing on a philosophy of overall health as well. According to a recent International Spa Association (ISPA) study, 27 percent of today’s spas offer exercise programs and facilities as part of their spa experience, while 71 percent offer yoga, 68 percent offer posture and alignment classes, and 51 percent offer spiritual or mind-body programs.

Lymph Massage

Armoring the Immune System

As the cold and flu season approaches, it’s time to bolster the immune system and give it a coat of armor against the certain onslaught that awaits.

Maybe you already take a defensive stand this time of year with a more diligent use of vitamins and herbal supplements, heightened precautions with hand-washing, or an extra glass of orange juice or serving of broccoli. But have you ever considered a lymph massage to help your body stave off the blues of winter illness?

No Sweat!

The Many Benefits of Sauna Bathing

When you’re exercising or working diligently, you probably give little thought to the perspiration your body is emitting (except for acknowledging the need for a shower afterward). But behind that odor and sticky shirt are immeasurable benefits for body, mind, and spirit. Perhaps that’s why for thousands of years cultures around the world have tried to harness the power found in perspiring.

The Holistic Pet

Raising Your Dog or Cat Naturally

Pets are part of the family. Raising them to be healthy and happy is not only important, it’s the responsibility pet owners accept when they bring companion animals into their homes.

To this end, holistic pet health provides a wellness plan for our companions, so owners can enjoy their company for as long as possible. Following are tips for raising your pet healthfully and naturally.

Freedom for Feelings

Bodywork and Emotional Release

It started as a typical visit. Jennifer was seeking help for chronic low back and hip pain and over the course of several bodywork sessions, we worked to clear areas of tightness throughout her legs, hips, and lower back. But on this day, as I gently freed the side of her hip, her facial expression changed from one of pleasure to one of puzzlement.

“That’s interesting,” she said. “I just remembered when all this started.”

I listened as she recalled the accident that began a pain cycle she had endured for years.
