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The Trick to “Fitting In” Fitness

Image of mature woman smiling and flexing her biceps

One of the questions I get most frequently as a personal trainer is: “How do I sneak exercise into my daily routine?” And the answer is: I don’t think you should. Exercise is one of the most important components for health and vitality. It should be given priority and preference. I could tell you to do squats while you wait in line at the grocery store or lunge your way to the mailbox, but honestly, I recommend taking a close look at your schedule and figuring out where you can carve out a few minutes a day to totally dedicate to exercise.

The Watsu Way

In 1980, at Harbin Hot Springs in Northern California, I floated someone in a warm pool and applied the stretches and principles of the land-based Zen shiatsu I had learned years earlier with its creator, Shizuto Masunaga, in Japan. I had no idea that what was coming into being that night would help millions of people of all ages in spas, clinics, and backyard pools around the world, and would become a new way to bring people together to come to know and celebrate their connection.

Habit Hacks for a Healthy 2019

I can’t believe 2019 is right around the corner. It’s always a great time of year to reassess our lives and what’s important to us. Usually it’s around this time of year that we realize we should be spending more of our precious time with family and friends and taking care of our health. This typically means eating and drinking better or exercising more. Many find the goals they set for the New Year quickly dwindle as the year gets busy and we get back into our same bad habits and routines.
